Call Us 832.388.1205
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Cavanaugh Law Office


Phone number (310) 882-6842

Flat and affordable fees, free consults, personalized service and focused representation. These are the things that keep clients coming back for additional representation.

I practice immigration law exclusively and focus primarily on family immigration (green cards/visas for spouses, fiances, parents) and naturalization. By limiting my practice to specific areas, I am able to offer exceptional representation at affordable prices.

I believe that clients should get what they pay for, have unfettered access to their attorney, and know all of the potential charges right up front via flat fee billing. When you hire me, you can be sure that I will be handling your case personally -- you will not be expected to deal with a receptionist or paralegal for anything important and you will always be able to speak to or email me directly. I also take credit cards and am willing to meet at night or on the weekend if the client has limited availability due to work or school obligations.

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City Los Angeles Category Immigration Location 13101 W Washington Blvd Ste 423 Los Angeles, CA 90
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